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Gen5 light bar install pics & a few thoughts.

Discussion in 'Lighting' started by RhodyRunner, Feb 18, 2019.

  1. Feb 18, 2019 at 2:52 PM

    RhodyRunner [OP] New Member

    Sep 8, 2018
    First Name:
    Rhode Island
    2013 Black SR5
    Armored Lighting 50" Curved Double Row LED 42,000 Lumens Rago Fabrication curved LED mounts Billstein 5100 at the corners Cornfed 3/4" spacer in rear ProComp 7069-7983 17x9 -6 offset, 4.75"backspace Falken WildPeak AT3 265/70-17 LIGHTENING DARK 10000 Lumens 9005 LED Headlight Bulbs LIGHTENING DARK 10000 Lumens H11 LED Headlight Bulb VIOFO A119G with GPS Car Dash Cam Boss BN965BLC SMARTLINER All Weather Cargo Liner YITAMOTOR Floor Mats Ever Ready First Aid Meditac Tactical Trauma IFAK Kit with Trauma Pack Quickclot and Israeli Bandage in Molle Pouch, North American Rescue Hyfin Vent Chest Seal, Celox V12090 Blood Clotting Granule Applicator and Plunger
    This weekend I installed a 50" Armored Lighting curved LED bar to the front end of my '13 SR5 using the . The process went pretty well and took a few hours. I secured the light using break away tamper proof nuts from Albany Fasteners.

    Some things I would say is that you need to research and make sure you have all the tools and "extras" ready before begin installation. As if this goes without saying on any install. I am fairly particular about how things end up and I wasn't happy with the harness location connection point that came factory installed from Armored (which I am going to send them a quick suggestion about).

    I got a little nervous when I drilled into the truck and the metal was hollow and the threaded nuts that I had to rivet in would have anything to press into. It worked out fine though.

    I did end up cutting the factory harness off. I am going to shorten the line and bring the connection underneath light and rest on the Rago mount and will zip tie it there so it is secure. You can see in the picture below the length of the connection point put it right around 1/4 of the way up the windshield and there was NO WAY it was fitting under the weather stripping. To make this all work out I took the longer end of the factory harness, tore down the female plug, stripped off the loose insulation tube, wrapped the negative and positive in a shrink tube (that can run up and under the weather strip, and reattached the female plug. Told you I was particular.

    It snowed today so I still have to get out and solder and rewire the male end which is currently just taped off. It does all work fine but I had to get the running of the cables correct. I didn't want that golf ball size harness hanging out on my windshield.

    This is where I drilled the holes for the Rago mounts.
    This is the factory harness, "add-a-fuse", and mictuning button used to set up the electricals.
    Verifying windshield wiper clearance.
    Factory harness from Armored not well thought out. This length won't make it down many factory windshield columns to connect to under the hood. Where do they think you are going to connect the harness? Hey at least it's a nice waterproof LEGO I can put back together easily.
    This is the security nut. It shears away as you torque it down and leaves an almost impervious nut left to protect your investment. I used a stainless steel locking washer and blue locktite to secure it as well. (You can get these off but it's not easy or done quickly)
    troprobped17 and Strandskov like this.
  2. Feb 18, 2019 at 3:05 PM

    HoBoDanny Dude...

    Feb 5, 2019
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    2004 SR5 V6 4WD 4Runner
    RCI Skid Plate CBI Ditch Light Brackets Hankook DynaPro ATM RF10 265 70R17 113T Tires 1.25” Wheel Spacers TPMS Bypass Mod Hydrocarbon Filter Removed Merca decal 2” leveling kit front only Black headlights
    Looks great! Drilling into the body would be nerve racking for me :laughing:
    Strandskov likes this.
  3. Feb 18, 2019 at 3:16 PM

    RhodyRunner [OP] New Member

    Sep 8, 2018
    First Name:
    Rhode Island
    2013 Black SR5
    Armored Lighting 50" Curved Double Row LED 42,000 Lumens Rago Fabrication curved LED mounts Billstein 5100 at the corners Cornfed 3/4" spacer in rear ProComp 7069-7983 17x9 -6 offset, 4.75"backspace Falken WildPeak AT3 265/70-17 LIGHTENING DARK 10000 Lumens 9005 LED Headlight Bulbs LIGHTENING DARK 10000 Lumens H11 LED Headlight Bulb VIOFO A119G with GPS Car Dash Cam Boss BN965BLC SMARTLINER All Weather Cargo Liner YITAMOTOR Floor Mats Ever Ready First Aid Meditac Tactical Trauma IFAK Kit with Trauma Pack Quickclot and Israeli Bandage in Molle Pouch, North American Rescue Hyfin Vent Chest Seal, Celox V12090 Blood Clotting Granule Applicator and Plunger
    It's funny... I was more worried about cutting the electricals than drilling in the body. My friend pointed it out to me and then I just started snipping. Life is an adventure right?
    HoBoDanny and Strandskov like this.
  4. Feb 18, 2019 at 3:25 PM

    RhodyRunner [OP] New Member

    Sep 8, 2018
    First Name:
    Rhode Island
    2013 Black SR5
    Armored Lighting 50" Curved Double Row LED 42,000 Lumens Rago Fabrication curved LED mounts Billstein 5100 at the corners Cornfed 3/4" spacer in rear ProComp 7069-7983 17x9 -6 offset, 4.75"backspace Falken WildPeak AT3 265/70-17 LIGHTENING DARK 10000 Lumens 9005 LED Headlight Bulbs LIGHTENING DARK 10000 Lumens H11 LED Headlight Bulb VIOFO A119G with GPS Car Dash Cam Boss BN965BLC SMARTLINER All Weather Cargo Liner YITAMOTOR Floor Mats Ever Ready First Aid Meditac Tactical Trauma IFAK Kit with Trauma Pack Quickclot and Israeli Bandage in Molle Pouch, North American Rescue Hyfin Vent Chest Seal, Celox V12090 Blood Clotting Granule Applicator and Plunger
    Yes. I do. Will like it better when it is functioning. Patience is a virtue. And I believe in doing it right the first time so you never second guess it. So waiting a few extra days is worth it. I can see where a lot of people get in a hurry and cut a corner here or there just to get the new toy up and running.

    I want to get a new rack too, but that's one I am going to have to save up for. The nice aluminum ones are expensive.
  5. Feb 18, 2019 at 4:43 PM

    Braves95 New Member

    Jan 22, 2019
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    2019 Nightshade Special Edition MGM
    None Yet!!
    I had a light bar on my Tacoma 2017. I think I installed it a little low or hi. Because when i drove about 45-55 got a really annoying vibration. Couldn't for the life of me what it was. Removed the light and it went away. Have you driven such speeds without vibrations?
    Strandskov likes this.
  6. Feb 18, 2019 at 5:04 PM

    RhodyRunner [OP] New Member

    Sep 8, 2018
    First Name:
    Rhode Island
    2013 Black SR5
    Armored Lighting 50" Curved Double Row LED 42,000 Lumens Rago Fabrication curved LED mounts Billstein 5100 at the corners Cornfed 3/4" spacer in rear ProComp 7069-7983 17x9 -6 offset, 4.75"backspace Falken WildPeak AT3 265/70-17 LIGHTENING DARK 10000 Lumens 9005 LED Headlight Bulbs LIGHTENING DARK 10000 Lumens H11 LED Headlight Bulb VIOFO A119G with GPS Car Dash Cam Boss BN965BLC SMARTLINER All Weather Cargo Liner YITAMOTOR Floor Mats Ever Ready First Aid Meditac Tactical Trauma IFAK Kit with Trauma Pack Quickclot and Israeli Bandage in Molle Pouch, North American Rescue Hyfin Vent Chest Seal, Celox V12090 Blood Clotting Granule Applicator and Plunger
    No vibrations to speak of and I've been to 60 MPH. Got the dreaded whistle. Got a remedy in place for it.
    Braves95[QUOTED] and Strandskov like this.

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