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I'm complaining so bear with me...[Toyota of Irving]

Discussion in 'Texas' started by tk421, Jul 25, 2024.

  1. Jul 25, 2024 at 7:40 AM

    tk421 [OP] Breaking things just to fix them.

    Feb 11, 2024
    First Name:
    DFW Texas
    2023 Limited 4Runner
    I used Toyota of Irving to get the Trail Edition rockerpanel/mudflap/end cap to replace my parts on my Limited Edition. I used the recommended and approved part numbers care of this forum. ToI has asked me to send their VIN before they'll process the purchase and then told me the parts don't match my VIN.

    I get they want the parts to match the vehicle, but it is really frustrating (I have my own company and don't check my personal email often) that they keep responding and triple checking and telling me there is a 20% restocking fee. I wish they would just send me the parts and move on. I also wish there would be someone there that has a clue about how 4Runners are modded, especially since the last gen was on the market for 15 years.
  2. Jul 25, 2024 at 8:22 AM

    icebear Recovered Kia Owner

    Oct 10, 2023
    2021 Toyota 4Runner SR5
    Probably used to folks who don't know better. I guess it beats the time some dealer installed Limited running boards on their SR5.


    I get it though, I've had to walk a mechanic through a certain repair procedure when AWD on my Kia was being fixed up, and before my car got in, they wanted to ensure my diagnosis was correct so we made a "bet" with an hour of shop time. (I won)

    I wanted a master key without buttons when I bought the 4Runner but only the combined key/fob was marked as compatible. I ended up with an extra valet key due to a screw up but after some back and forth, parts figured it out and grabbed a key technically for a different vehicle but was still an H key. But I'd have been on the hook if it didn't work. Shoutout to Longo up in Prosper for working with me.
    tk421[OP] likes this.
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