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DD w/backlight OEMish switch

Discussion in 'Lighting' started by scottiezilla, Feb 28, 2024.

  1. Feb 28, 2024 at 12:24 PM

    scottiezilla [OP] New Member

    Feb 18, 2021
    Already sorry for creating a thread n thanks in advance

    But I’m trying to get a definitive answer
    With all the research n studying I’ve done recently when it comes to electrical, feel like I’m “right there” but also getting lost

    so the gist is-
    Want total freedom when using the fogs, obviously backlight n main fog separate
    But I have an aftermarket bumper, had to ditch stock fogs, n don’t want to wire to oem harness
    Want my fogs totally independent

    Would like to use something like this…
    IMG_1946.png IMG_1945.png

    instead of…

    …now the camera one from anytimebackup is SPDT

    …the ch4x4 is DPDT

    When I contacted Brian at anytimebackup he mentioned his switches have been used for this, plus the threads I’ve seen, but the issue was due to DD wiring n his switch not having matching outputs, inputs, pins, etc…it would work but the backlight for example would always be on when truck was on
    Something to also deal with his style switch having an indicator light

    reached out to DD as well
    Jeff, by the way is a great rep over there, n he’s thrown out the idea of a dual-push button, which I’ve also read about

    what are the pros n cons of the 3 way toggle VS the dual-push?

    would rather use the
    on-off-on style

    there’s an aux-high beam thread over on “Tacomaworld” where people have talked bout possibly mating wires so the fog/backlight can be used only when desired n not just always backlit


    so main final question is

    has anyone here successfully used one of the anytimebackup or ch4x4 switches for DD’s with backlight?

    SPDT vs DPDT for this situation n why?

    terminology is what puts me in the grave
    But I’m getting there
    Excited to have this somewhat under my belt
    Like to be confident in what I do

    Truly appreciate any help
  2. Feb 28, 2024 at 2:33 PM

    PJSnow Always Learning

    Dec 11, 2019
    First Name:
    New York
    2018 Cavalry Blue TRD Pro
    I'm not the most electrically savvy person but I have done a lot of research and I've successfully wired a few different lights. Since nobody else is responding, I figured I would chime in.

    First, have you heard of the Brite Box anytime fogs? https://www.aspireautoaccessories.com/products/the-brite-box-toyota-4runner-2014-2020
    This might be a solution to using your fog lights with the factory steering wheel stalk and to add a switch. But this does not solve the DD backlighting.

    You could run a separate relay and trigger wire to a dual switch to run the backlighting. I actually replaced the Brite Box switch with an AOB switch but you could certainly go for something like this: https://caliraisedled.com/products/dual-function-toyota-oem-style-amber-white-switch-small-style
    You can also find companies making custom logos for these. As an added benefit, it would allow you to run the backlight and main beam at the same time (probably not useful but it is an option).

    Not sure what your wiring abilities are but this is one option if you are willing to put in a little work. Unfortunately, I don't think there is a plug and play solution.
  3. Feb 28, 2024 at 3:17 PM

    scottiezilla [OP] New Member

    Feb 18, 2021
    Appreciate the feedback

    have looked into those

    pretty sure the backlight n actual fog can’t/shouldn’t run simultaneously

    was trying to avoid the dual push buttons due to accidentally having both on…as above, not sure if that’s an issue

    n I almost bought the britebox a couple years ago but when I realized I’d have to remove my stock fogs for the hefty bumper
    It gave me the opportunity to run fogs independently which in my case is actually a plus
    So instead of dropping the cash on the brite box(I need to check out Antmans old posts), I was going to wire my cyclones into the original oem fog harness or maybe the turn signal…not sure, may be too bright
    I’ve gotten pretty familiar with wiring n most of the dos n donts
    It’s just I’ve seen a handful of different answers to my question n was hoping for clear 100% this worked for me kinda deal

    I’m probably overthinking it
    Might just buy one of the 3 way switches n play round with it, a 9v battery, n my harness to see if I can manipulate the circuit

    the fogs themselves are like 2.7amps
    The backlights are .3 I believe

    Thanks again PJ
  4. Feb 28, 2024 at 4:59 PM

    Photon_Chaser 51,023 and counting…

    Sep 4, 2023
    Sierra Nevada Mountains and the Central Coast
    21 TRD Pro - "Photon"
    Most automotive rocker switches (SPDT) can handle the current needed by your fog’s main and backlights. So why not just route 3 wires to the dash (+12V, Fog out and backlight out), no need for a relay (which you can later add if your load goes up beyond the switches current rating) and be done.

    As you’ve noted, a rocker will prevent both backlight and mains from coming on simultaneously.
  5. Feb 28, 2024 at 5:23 PM

    scottiezilla [OP] New Member

    Feb 18, 2021
    To be completely honest Photon
    I dunno

    in theory that totally works
    I mentioned the idea of me rebuilding a wire harness from scratch n ditch the DD one

    didn’t seem from either vendor that would resolve the issue

    the issue being using the on/off/on style switch(I think 6 pins) with the already built DD harness with its 3 wires

    I think the main thing being able utilize a indicator/illuminated switch n dimmer, with a harness not built for it

    It just seems like people out there with far more understanding were also having an issue so I fear something as easy as a +12v, fog n backlight out’s is too good to be true

    maybe has to do with the design of the switch I’d like to use
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2024
  6. Feb 28, 2024 at 6:20 PM

    Photon_Chaser 51,023 and counting…

    Sep 4, 2023
    Sierra Nevada Mountains and the Central Coast
    21 TRD Pro - "Photon"
    The DD harness sounds similar to the one that came with my SS5's and the instructions lay out two means of controlling the lights.

    Using the DD switch you just use the "C" version of the diagram (switch pigtail should already be connected to the main harness). You can see the connector for the pigtail to harness in the background in this image.

    There should also be a separate two-wire pigtail included with the kit (I'm assuming you did purchase an entire kit?) that connects into the main harness in lieu of the pigtail with the three position rocker.

    Just connect the two wire pigtail to your switch of choice and route a +12V feed to the common terminal. You'd have to figure out which pin on the switch is what but that shouldn't be hard to do with an ohmmeter. If the +12V feed comes from a switched circuit that only comes on with ignition you're set and can also jumper that +12V to the switch's backlight.
  7. Feb 28, 2024 at 7:23 PM

    scottiezilla [OP] New Member

    Feb 18, 2021
    Yup yup
    Have all that stuff, looking at it now
    So ditch the switched pigtail for the one that would usually goto stock fog orientation
    Feeding it with power is easy enough, just concerned about the comment from Brian at anytimebackup in regards to the backlights always being on
    Should be easy enough to figure out with switch in hand
    Tap into dimmer/illumination similar to what most have done with rear wiper guy left of steering wheel

    might run out to the truck n pull back that panel a lil, see if I can get a pic of the back of the anytime camera switch

    might make all this easier…might, ha
    (I probably have a pic in my album from everything I’ve done over the past few weeks)
  8. Feb 28, 2024 at 8:46 PM

    Photon_Chaser 51,023 and counting…

    Sep 4, 2023
    Sierra Nevada Mountains and the Central Coast
    21 TRD Pro - "Photon"
    Which is why you would supply +12V from a switched source (whatever circuit is tied to the Accessory/Ignition circuits) and not from an always on circuit (like directly to the battery.)

    Rear Windshield Wiper, Instrument Panel Light Control, the 400W inverter switch...you have many options to tie the switch backlight into.
  9. Apr 1, 2024 at 11:08 AM

    scottiezilla [OP] New Member

    Feb 18, 2021

    Hey @Photon_Chaser

    sorry for taking awhile to thank you again n update

    been wrapping up all my harnesses, fuse/relay panel, routing, etc…

    but I’m down to the “final few”

    So with all you’ve mentioned, my research, n thought process…lil hiccup with the fogs still

    Pic shows the back of the pigtail that came with the AnytimeBackUpCamera
    “HighLow” on-off-on I went with
    …what each wire is
    …diode on the 2 outputs

    n yes I agree the switch would handle the current, at least the backlight
    (I’d rather not worry at all)
    ALSO, I have a relayed/fused circuit waiting for the fogs

    so it seems to me that switch has
    +/-/2 output/n then my issue, the “backlight +-“

    Is that like me tapping into the dimming/illumination wires from the defroster for example?

    would I have to use separate relay? Or let the switch handle the current? Can it just be ran through one relay together?(throwing it all out there…)

    I know the +- for the switch will be ignition fuse n ground round my kick panel

    something feels to simple…

    Wouldn’t mind if the backlights would turn on via my steering stem for drls but not if that in turn disrupts the new switch

    Read over n over how people used 2 SEPERATE switches however with the style switch I have, not the usual dual push buttons or aux/spod/etc panels, was wondering if you have any final input?

    thanks again to all

    yes forgot to mention I have the heavy duty harness, 2 wire pigtail, the lights small deutsch pigtails
    Complete deal

    I’ve been chopping down all my harnesses that came with n making my own set up on a retrofitted Rago surge plate, firewall tunnel, etc
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2024
  10. Apr 1, 2024 at 1:23 PM

    Photon_Chaser 51,023 and counting…

    Sep 4, 2023
    Sierra Nevada Mountains and the Central Coast
    21 TRD Pro - "Photon"

    Sorry, I am totally not familiar with how the Anytime Backup Camera system works but that wiring call out does seem to indicate that the switch is an SPDT (Single Pole-Double Throw) type with the inclusion of the switch backlighting terminals. From what I see on the baggie's labeling this should work...(for good measure, someone please double check me on this!). Since the DD setup drives the lights from a relay switched high current source all of your internal wiring is low current, so....

    Now what the diode(s) are for (your pic cut off the most important part!)...they could be for isolation purposes, reverse current protection...dont know.

    All of this is predicated upon that you are using the rest of the DD harness which includes the main relay, fuse block, etc. and are only tying into that harness using the DD 2-wire pigtail to the Anytime Backup switch, yes?
  11. Apr 1, 2024 at 2:07 PM

    scottiezilla [OP] New Member

    Feb 18, 2021
    image.jpgTypical….haha sorry

    yes SPDT

    DD sent me a new harness as well
    (Original was cursed…different time)

    Your diagram schematic thingamajig is what I have been thinking of doing

    But I’ve read so much on people having a hard time with using aux switches for the backlight function, DD n anytime camera(both super helpful) also had some concerns…

    While dissecting the DD harness, I noticed the blue wire(backlight, never encounters the relay…just both lights, combined n twisted off in front of relay, n upto switch

    the way my fuse/relay is setup for everything else thus far(nothing else has a second feature like backlight)

    But switches powered/grounded under steering/dash

    Trigger runs to relay

    Fuse box powers n grounds relay

    87(output) runs to terminal strip

    accessories are coming back to terminal strip

    Accessories ground are coming back to common bus(it’s close enough might as well keep it all together VS local)

    but with the backlight, I’m assuming I could skip all that n run directly from light all the way to switch
    Or I’m wondering if it’s beneficial/functional to have the blue wiring connected somehow in this whole circuit whether it be the terminal strip, relay, etc

    I also have these image.jpgsorry for the lap…

    but like you mentioned @Photon_Chaser
    I think I can skip the short pigtails, use the DD2s, cut certain things to length n solder

    dont think the diode is for backpower, since it’s from one trigger to the other, not 2 separate

    I don’t remember the camera switch to have one however I do know that in the FAQ/real life with using that camera set up, there is a lil “flicker”…when alternating between front n rear, it’ll flash the rear camera image
    “Normal” n is due to the speed of the relay recognizing what’s happening essentially
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2024
  12. Apr 1, 2024 at 5:43 PM

    scottiezilla [OP] New Member

    Feb 18, 2021
    IMG_2368.jpg IMG_2369.jpg IMG_2370.jpg IMG_2371.jpg
    so pending on how red/blue+ n black/grey- are connected determines the blue switch backlight or yellow indicators…

    when my anytime camera is on front camera, both indicators are on, but just the front camera on screen…

    im wondering if this diode/cutting of the high/low mode would determine if the main beam would run separate from backlight vs somehow the backlight “on” as well as main beam
  13. Apr 2, 2024 at 8:11 AM

    scottiezilla [OP] New Member

    Feb 18, 2021
    so yup yup, cut that diode n it’s independent

    but I still can’t fathom how to run the random blue(backlight) trigger down

    less it’s literally just from switch to light

    last harness I need to make till I open the back up for the scene lighting n rear power but that’ll be easy

    also gotta decide on making my own beef cables for all this or windy nation/us battery cable

    n between circuit breaker or terminal fuse

    all kindsa fun……..

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