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4th Gen or 5th

Discussion in 'General 4Runner Talk' started by Briguy, Oct 19, 2020.

  1. Oct 19, 2020 at 8:45 PM

    Briguy [OP] New Member

    Oct 19, 2020
    Hello everybody, I plan on getting a 4Runner very soon and I’m deciding on which gen to get. Any information helps thank you ! Budget is around 23k or less. Lmk your opinions thank you !
  2. Oct 20, 2020 at 11:05 AM
    Trail Runnah

    Trail Runnah New Member

    May 8, 2020
    2013 T4R Trail Edition
    Well, you can afford both with your budget. If you can find a clean 4th gen, preferably with V8, you will still have plenty of money left out of that budget to mod. If you go with the 5th gen, that will take up most of your budget to find one with fairly low miles.

    I think the two things that the 4th gen has going for it is the available V8, and they are cheaper than 5th gens. Those are really the only two things that I personally like about them.

    Mechanically, there's really not that much difference other than the V-8.

    Oh, I almost forgot to throw in a third option. Lexus GX470. Basically a V8 4th gen 4Runner, but better looking with a nicer interior.

    You may also be able to find a GX 460 in your price range, which is basically a V8 5th gen 4R. That might be the way to go actually, because you get a slightly nicer interior than the 4Runner, and the 4.6 L V8 engine which does not have a timing belt unlike the 4.7 in the earlier GX and 4Runner.
    YoGibs, Briguy[OP] and Taco Supremo like this.
  3. Oct 20, 2020 at 4:26 PM

    Oldtoyotaguy Paid cash for it

    Sep 21, 2018
    2018 Toyota 4 Runner Offroad
    Everyone has their own perception of risk, and safety. In my case I survived an extremely high speed collision when I was struck by a drunk driver, and it made a life long impression on me, i.e. the more air bags the better. There’s a big difference between 4 & 5th Gen 4 Runners in terms of air bags. I believe even side impact air bags weren’t available until 2007, and they were an option. My 2018 has 8 air bags. What other SUV has 8 air bags?
    My advice, would be to buy as new a vehicle as possible for its safety features. Not everyone can afford a current vehicle with the latest safety features, which is too bad. Old vehicles are great, but not for high speed roads, and with today’s drug induced drivers.
  4. Oct 24, 2020 at 12:47 PM

    freealfin New Member

    Sep 6, 2017
    The major functional difference between 4th and 5th is that the 5th only offers full time 4 wheel drive on the Limited. With the rest you can only use 4WD where the tires can slip. Also, Toyota recommends you drive your poor man 4R on snow or dirt at least 10 miles every month in H4 so these components get some lube. If you live in Alaska you are OK but if you live just about every where else it's a bummer.
  5. Nov 11, 2020 at 5:20 PM

    jvinhj240 New Member

    Oct 7, 2020
    First Name:
    I was in the same situation looking for a 2009 Lexus Gx470 by the time I found the one I really wanted it costs around 25k. Plus I will gotta TLC many things, I begin looking at 2021 4runner and bought within 3 days. I am super happy, used one is hard to find in good condition but by that time the cost is not great and you gotta spend extra $$ to make sure they run the way you liked. I put all down on $runner and make payments I think it's like a repair for a used car :_) but I am driving a new car.
  6. Dec 1, 2020 at 9:49 PM

    TriaxT4R New Member

    May 27, 2019
    San Diego, CA
    2008 Sport 4x4
    Bilstein 6112/5160 (3/2), Icon 2” rear springs, Fuel Anza, Ridge Grappler 285/70-17
    4th gen V8 is full time 4wd. I drive my 2008 sport in 4wd all the time, I don’t see what the issue would be with that? Now if I ran with center diff. Lock on, that would be no good!!

    I kind of wish I bought the V8 just for more torque and better towing...I chose the v6 solely because it didn’t have a timing belt but a chain and thinking the gas would be worse. The gas mileage is about the same.
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