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4runner and Tacoma parts

Discussion in '3rd Gen 4Runner Parts Marketplace (1996-2002)' started by tour991, Jul 22, 2020.

  1. Jul 22, 2020 at 5:21 PM

    tour991 [OP] Supplier of used parts

    May 26, 2019
    First Name:
    Lake Tahoe
    99 4Runner Limited 97 Tacoma 2014 Tacoma
    7/16/20 Updated thread for the last of the parts I have. The list is pretty up to date. I may have missed some part so if you don't see something ask. Most of this is from Tacoma but some can be used on 4Runner

    Extra Cab V6 Tacoma Frame Stripped $300
    Cross member each $60
    Passenger Door Green Tacoma $150
    2.7 3rz Cylinder Head $300
    Chevy 63 inch Leaf springs $100
    18 Gallon Gas Tank $100
    Gas tank Skid $100
    Radiator 4cyl $60
    AC System 4 Cyl $200
    Alternator 4 Cyl $50
    Passenger side exterior door handle oem $30
    Rear bumper brackets set $30
    Break calipers $40
    Rear window 1 piece glass $100
    Drivers door glass $40
    Sway bar $40

    Cab Harness 98 4Cyl $100
    Harness Tail lights Extra Cab $60
    Dash 96 Grey $100
    Clock Spring 96 with no Cruse Control $40
    Kick Panels Grey $40
    Floor Board Door Trim grey $40
    Glove Box Grey 96 $40
    Assorted Switches $10
    Arm Rest Grey Non Power $10
    Carpet Grey Extra Cab $60
    Carpet Tan Regular Cab $50
    Heater Core $40
    A\C Condensers $40
    Extra Cab Rear Plastic trim Panels Grey each $20
    Driver Side Window 98 $40
    Door Panels Grey each $30
    Steering surround plastic $40
    Door handle passenger tan $25
    AC vent each $30
    Rear seats grey each $20
    Rear seat belts each $60
    IMG_20200718_151957.jpg IMG_20200718_163955.jpg IMG_20200718_164029.jpg IMG_20200718_152147.jpg IMG_20200718_152629.jpg IMG_20200718_152249.jpg IMG_20200718_163905.jpg IMG_20200718_161410.jpg IMG_20200718_161515.jpg IMG_20200718_153303.jpg IMG_20200718_161233.jpg IMG_20200718_152753.jpg IMG_20200718_152553.jpg IMG_20200702_151515.jpg IMG_20200718_152657.jpg IMG_20200718_152958.jpg IMG_20200718_162808.jpg IMG_20200718_165744.jpg IMG_20200718_154416.jpg IMG_20200718_161835.jpg IMG_20200718_164508.jpg IMG_20200718_162738.jpg IMG_20200718_163819.jpg IMG_20200718_163253.jpg IMG_20200718_161638.jpg IMG_20200718_163000.jpg IMG_20200718_182456.jpg IMG_20200718_153343.jpg IMG_20200718_162823.jpg IMG_20200718_152919.jpg IMG_20200718_163609.jpg IMG_20200718_172116.jpg IMG_20200718_152825.jpg IMG_20200718_163204.jpg IMG_20200716_162551.jpg IMG_20200718_162541.jpg IMG_20200718_162209.jpg IMG_20200718_162556.jpg IMG_20200718_163456.jpg IMG_20200718_154434.jpg IMG_20200718_182543.jpg IMG_20200718_162749.jpg
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